
Policy MOF

2022 Manual Order Fee Announcement

Dear Customer,

At Honeywell, we understand the importance of service and strive to improve our performance to exceed our customers’ expectations.

To improve our ability to respond to your needs in a timely manner, overcome errors and increase transparency of our transactions and services, we are inviting you to use the web portals and standard forms that Honeywell created for placing an order (in order to enable the accurate and automatic processing of your order, please refer to the PO Acceptance Policy).

To overcome manual processing delays and errors and improve our service for our customers, we will be implementing a fee for all manual orders, that will go into effect on November 14, 2022.  All new manual orders entered from November 15, 2022, will follow the new policy as outlined below.

Manual Order Fee Policy:

All the orders that will be entered manually starting November 15, 2022, will be charged with a fee. The fee will be implemented following a 30 days’ Notice and will result in a $100 USD charge per order (or the equivalent in the local currency) for all new orders placed manually.

Exemption from Manual Order Fee:

Digital / Automated orders are exempted from the Manual Order Fee.

Orders are automatically considered as approved during any unplanned website outages.

Kind Regards