Boron Trifluoride
Boron Trifluoride (11324)
diethyl ether complex
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General Information
- Application
- Alkylation
- Inorganic Compound Formation
- Isomerization
- Organic Compound Formation
- Polymerization
- Reaction Promotion
- Reagent Use
- Synthesis
- CAS Number
- 109-63-7
- 60-29-7
- Concentration
- <5.00%
- >95.00%
- Grade
- Diethyl Ether Complex
- Molar Mass
- 141.94 g/mol
- Performance Function
- Catalyst
- Resistance to Hydrolysis
- Synonyms
- Borane
- Bortrifluorid
- trifluoro
Physical Properties
- Boiling Point/Range
- 125.7 °C
- Color
- Colorless to pale yellow
- Density
- 1.139 g/cm3
- Flashpoint
- <50 °F (10 °C)
- Formula
- C4H10BF3O
- Melting Point/Range
- -60.4 °C
- Odor
- Pungent
- Strong
- pH
- Not applicable
- Physical Form
- Liquid
- Vapor Pressure
- 5.6 hPa
Safety Information
- Chemical Stability
- Stable under normal conditions
- Ignition Temperature
- 160 °C based on ether component
- Incompatible Materials
- Air
- Alkali metals
- Alkaline earth metals
- Alkyl nitrates
- Oxidizing agents
- Polymerizable materials
- Water
International Transportation
- Chemical Class
- 3
- Packing Group
- II
- Sub Class 1
- 6.1
- 8
- UN Number
- 3286
General Information
- Application
- Alkylation
- Inorganic Compound Formation
- Isomerization
- Organic Compound Formation
- Polymerization
- Reaction Promotion
- Reagent Use
- Synthesis
- CAS Number
- 109-63-7
- 60-29-7
- Concentration
- <5.00%
- >95.00%
- Grade
- Diethyl Ether Complex
- Molar Mass
- 141.94 g/mol
- Performance Function
- Catalyst
- Resistance to Hydrolysis
- Synonyms
- Borane
- Bortrifluorid
- trifluoro
Physical Properties
- Boiling Point/Range
- 125.7 °C
- Color
- Colorless to pale yellow
- Density
- 1.139 g/cm3
- Flashpoint
- <50 °F (10 °C)
- Formula
- C4H10BF3O
- Melting Point/Range
- -60.4 °C
- Odor
- Pungent
- Strong
- pH
- Not applicable
- Physical Form
- Liquid
- Vapor Pressure
- 5.6 hPa
Safety Information
- Chemical Stability
- Stable under normal conditions
- Ignition Temperature
- 160 °C based on ether component
- Incompatible Materials
- Air
- Alkali metals
- Alkaline earth metals
- Alkyl nitrates
- Oxidizing agents
- Polymerizable materials
- Water
International Transportation
- Chemical Class
- 3
- Packing Group
- II
- Sub Class 1
- 6.1
- 8
- UN Number
- 3286
- Performance Function : Catalyst|Resistance to Hydrolysis
- Concentration : <5.00%|>95.00%
- Application : Alkylation|Inorganic Compound Formation|Isomerization|Organic Compound Formation|Polymerization|Reaction Promotion|Reagent Use|Synthesis
- Molar Mass : 141.94 g/mol
- CAS Number : 109-63-7|60-29-7
- Synonyms : Borane|Bortrifluorid|trifluoro
- Grade : Diethyl Ether Complex
- pH : Not applicable
- Melting Point/Range : -60.4 °C
- Boiling Point/Range : 125.7 °C
- Vapor Pressure : 5.6 hPa
- Physical Form : Liquid
- Flashpoint : <50 °F (10 °C)
- Formula : C4H10BF3O
- Density : 1.139 g/cm3
- Color : Colorless to pale yellow
- Odor : Pungent|Strong
- Incompatible Materials : Air|Alkali metals|Alkaline earth metals|Alkyl nitrates|Oxidizing agents|Polymerizable materials|Water
- Ignition Temperature : 160 °C based on ether component
- Chemical Stability : Stable under normal conditions
- Chemical Class : 3
- Packing Group : II
- Sub Class 1 : 6.1|8
- UN Number : 3286